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發(fā)布時間: 2017-06-23 15:35:14  |  來源: 影像國際  |  作者: 趙娜  |  責任編輯: 趙娜
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Old people looking up Tibetan on the wall of Potala Palace

The picture was taken in Apr 2013. The place is wall of the Potala Palace where two elderly people are looking up Tibetan on the yellow wall.

This picture gives a strong sense of beauty as a whole because a few simple colors --red, white, yellow and blue – make viewers feel very soft and smooth. One man is pointing to the Tibetan, the other is looking with deep feelings at the Tibetan on the wall. The screen could evoke viewer’s curiosity of the Tibetan implication.

In the hearts of Tibetan Buddhists, every Buddhism marks including the pagoda, Buddha, colored prayer flags, holy mountain, holy lake, etc. will become the object of worship to Buddha. The Potala Palace, as an important religious center in the history of Tibet, naturally became a scared land where believers worship to every marks, even the wall and the Tibetan on the wall.

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