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發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2017-06-23 15:35:14  |  來源: 影像國際  |  作者: 趙娜  |  責(zé)任編輯: 趙娜
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Kind old woman

The photo was taken on Sep.18, 2011 inYa Dong County, Shigatse. In the picture,an old woman is carrying her grandson, walking on the street.

The first impression of the picture many be make viewers feel warmth, probably because of two distinct contrasts. One is the old woman’s skin full of wrinkles and the child's smooth skin. The other is the old one’s stable eyes which look backward and child’s curious eyes which look upward. The contrasts tell viewers a strong family feeling. For the elderly, the time of the ring has weakened her body, the years of wind and frost made her face no longer shining. But her strong feeling to grandson shown in the picture have touched viewers deeply.

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