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發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2017-06-23 15:35:14  |  來(lái)源: 影像國(guó)際  |  作者: 趙娜  |  責(zé)任編輯: 趙娜
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Tibetan elderly full of wrinkles

The picture was taken in nov11. 2012 is very stirring. The old man with wrinkled face is looking sideway to the left in the shadow of the sunsight which make him more profound vicissitudes. The old man’s face closeup is a clever way of expression. We can clearly see the old man's forehead, face and jaw with deep vertical and horizontal wrinkles, so we can infer that the elderly is at least 90 years old without any introduction. The angle of shooting is just right to hide the eyes of the elderly, adding a trace of mystery.

Tibetan culture is diluting the demand for matter, even indifferent to life. Tibetans are more concerned about the spiritual satisfaction and they behave going with flow of life, being calm to life, not fighting with people and living like detached secular. In my opinion, the elderly in the picture has no fear of death, maybe he is waiting for the spiritual conversion.

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