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9月23日 第九屆中國西部國際博覽會相關籌備工作進展情況發(fā)布會
中國網 china.com.cn  時間: 2008-09-22

采 訪 通 知












You are cordially invited to the press conference

at 10:00AM,September 232008Tuesday

at the Briefing Hall of the State Council Information Office (No.225, Neidajie, Chaoyangmen)

Issues onthe preparatory work of the 9th Western China International Economy & Trade Fair

will be briefed by Mr. Jiang Zengwei, Vice Minister of Commerce and Mr. Huang Xiaoxiang, Vice Governor of Sichuan Provincial People’s Government


Remark: It is required of each attendee to wear the press card issued by State Council Information Office throughout the conference Attendence will be denied without the card. (Tel: 65241862)


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版權所有 中國互聯網新聞中心 電子郵件: webmaster@china.org.cn 電話: 86-10-88828000
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