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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2023-10-12 |  來(lái)源:中國(guó)網(wǎng) |  責(zé)任編輯:趙嬙


I always say there're important "three Ps": committed people, good program and if there is a policy. And my conclusion, when I just visited Ningxia, I got that the desert can also be converted into greenery. It helps change the country. It helps transform the country. So this kind of economic development, even in 2008 when there was an economic crisis in the world, but China became able to stand still to maintain the economic development.


敦煌市| 米泉市| 大邑县| 马公市| 九龙坡区| 崇阳县| 石狮市| 台江县| 溧水县| 佛冈县| 赞皇县| 虎林市| 汉寿县| 东台市| 永济市| 巧家县| 杭锦后旗| 稷山县| 洛宁县| 南部县| 思茅市| 扶沟县| 辽源市| 罗城| 博乐市| 水城县| 定州市| 丽水市| 会理县| 且末县| 石狮市| 察雅县| 岱山县| 伊川县| 泰和县| 无棣县| 丽水市| 和龙市| 莎车县| 连山|