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發(fā)布時間: 2015-05-25 11:05:25  |  來源: 新華社  |  作者: 楊佳  |  責任編輯: 楊佳
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美國加州圣巴巴拉縣里菲吉歐海灘一地下輸油管道19日破裂,導致2.1萬加侖(約7.9萬升)原油泄漏并流入大海,污染當?shù)睾0?。泄漏的原油在附近海灘形成了約15公里的漂浮油層。據(jù)加州漁業(yè)和野生動物部下屬的泄漏預防與應對辦公室估計,完成清理工作需要至少3天。 新華社/法新

Workers clean the beach at Refufio State Beach on May 21, 2015 in Goleta, California. California Gov. Jerry Brown declared a State of Emergency after over 100,000 gallons of oil may have spilled from an abandoned pipeline on the land near Refugio State Beach, spreading over about nine miles of beach within hours. The largest oil spill ever in U.S. waters at the time occurred in the same section of the coast in 1969 where numerous offshore oil platforms can be seen, giving birth to the modern American environmental movement. Justin Sullivan/Getty Images/AFP

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